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'What he has done takes incredible courage,' Neville said on Sky Sports' Monday Night Football programme. Former England defender Gary Neville said Daniels' announcement 'will go down in history' and could help change the dressing room culture in the men's game. 'Well done Have a wonderful career! Great to see the support of and to make this possible,' Hitzlsperger wrote on Twitter. Football should be a game for everyone.' Daniels, who said he wanted to become a role model for others, has also received support from a number of current and former players, including ex-Germany international Thomas Hitzlsperger who came out in 2013 after retiring. 'I hope his decision to speak openly gives others the confidence to do the same. 'What Jake has done takes courage and will hopefully help break down barriers that have no place in our society,' William wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. Daniels, 17, announced on Monday that he is gay, becoming the first active male professional soccer player in Britain to do so since the late Justin Fashanu in 1990. Britain's Prince William offered praise and support to Jake Daniels after the Blackpool forward came out as gay, saying he hoped the groundbreaking decision would serve as an inspiration.

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